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Liquor Retail Associate *MUST BE OVER 21*

B Town Wine and Spirits

Boulder, CO

Job Description:

Pay is negotiable based on experience in the industry.

We are looking for someone who likes a fast paced environment and can easily switch between multiple tasks. Shifts go by quickly between stocking the beer cooler, joking around with other staff and making small talk with the regular customers. If you want to work somewhere you know everyone's name this is the place for you!

This is a family owned establishment and we have a laid back work environment, get paid every Friday and get perks like an employee discount and regular raises. You will have a set schedule so there are no surprises! We all make a great team and have fun working together.

You will meet plenty of sales reps and get familiar with our curated wine selection! We do public tastings every Friday so you will get to try many different wines. This is perfect for someone looking to advance to a sales rep position or someone interested in pursuing a career in wine!

Must be at least 21 years of age and knowledge of wine, beer and spirits is a plus! We are looking for hard working, friendly people with good customer service to join our team. Duties would include working the cash register, assisting customers, stocking product and performing closing duties.

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Additional Information:

Job Posted:
Thursday, April 11th
Type of Work:
Part Time
Job Level:
Entry Level
$18.OO ‍−‌ $2O.OO