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Winemaking Calculators
Wine Business Monthly Oct 1, 2024 Issue

The Industry's Leading Publication for Wineries and Growers

Wine Business Monthly Oct 1, 2024 Issue

The Industry's Leading Publication for Wineries and Growers

Winemaking Calculators

Privacy Policy (Updated 07/23/24)

We are dedicated to protecting your privacy and have developed this privacy policy to help you understand how your personal information will be treated as you subscribe to our magazine, visit our website and use our services. This privacy policy applies to WineBusiness.com, WineJobs.com, WineBusiness Monthly, WineBusiness Analytics, WineBusiness Events and Partner Events.

Information we collect

WineBusiness collects standard magazine subscriber information including name, address, and email address.

WineBusiness.com offers some information and services that do not require you to provide any information. In order to provide our full range of services, we may collect the following types of information:

Registration (Personal) Information: WineBusiness.com collects basic personal information (such as your name, email address, ZIP code, and account password) when you register with WineBusiness.com. We use your information in conjunction with other users' information to provide you with a better user experience and improve our services. We make this information available to our affiliates. For certain services, we may also request credit card information.

Cookies: When you visit WineBusiness.com, we use cookies (small data files that are written to your hard drive and identify your browser) to recognize you each time you visit the Web site. A cookie cannot read data from your hard drive nor read cookie files created by other sites. Cookies allow us to track usage of the site and improve the quality of our service by storing preferences and tracking trends. Advertisers on our site may place cookies on your computer as well, which we are not responsible for.

Public Forums: Information you provide on message boards, classifieds, event calendars, forums, and news groups becomes public. Please use discretion when disclosing personal information.

Links to Other Sites: WineBusiness.com provides links to other websites in order to provide you with better service and a wide variety of resources. We may track which links have been followed to improve the quality of our service. WineBusiness.com does not endorse other sites and is not responsible or liable for any content, products or material on these sites. By visiting other sites, you become subject to their privacy policies, which may differ from that of WineBusiness.com.

User Communication: Any form of communication made between users and WineBusiness.com (such as emails) may be retained to process inquiries and improve our services.

Resumes: Resumes submitted or uploaded via WineBusiness.com are made available only to those parties designated by the originator to receive the information.

Proflies: Profiles created by WineBusiness.com users may be shared with potential employers looking for job candidates.

Editing Personal Information

When you create an account with WineBusiness.com, we ask you to provide certain personal information. If you would like to correct, modify or update your information, you may:

1. Call customer services at 800-895-9463

2. Send an email to memberservices@winebusiness.com

3. If you have an account with WineBusiness.com, you may log in and edit your account.

Information Sharing

Affiliates: Personal information may be exchanged between WineBusiness.com, WineBusiness Monthly and its affiliates, including WineBusiness Analytics, Winejobs.com, WineBusiness Classifeds and WineBusiness Events. We process such information in accordance with our privacy policy, although our affiliates may have different privacy practices.

Advertisers: We may share your information, including names and email addresses, with advertisers so that they can serve ads to you that meet your needs and match your interests. While we will seek to require such third parties to use this information for the sole purpose for which it was provided, we are not responsible for their actions or uses of collected information.

Opt out: If you would like to "opt out" of having your personal information shared with our affiliates and third-party advertisers, you may:

1. Send an email to memberservices@winebusiness.com. Please be sure to include your name, company name, and email address.

2. Send mail to the following postal address:

Member Services
Wine Communications Group
584 First Street East
Sonoma, CA 95476

We generally will not supply information about our users in ways not stated in this policy, unless such action is necessary to:

1. Comply with a legal process

2. Protect and defend our rights or property

3. Protect the interests of its members or others

We may share certain pieces of non-personal information, such as user clicks and search terms, with some third parties, but this information will not identify you individually.

Information Security

We take appropriate measures to protect against unauthorized access to information submitted to WineBusiness.com and WineBusiness Monthly. Access to our servers via the Internet is restricted through the use of passwords, firewalls, and other security methods in order to protect your privacy. Only those employees that need to know your personal information are granted access.

Data Integrity

We collect only the information that's needed and use it in an appropriate manner. We process all personal information in accordance with this privacy policy, and take steps to ensure that all information is accurate and current. We expect users to update and correct their information whenever necessary.

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

As a job board exempt from the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), we acknowledge that users may have questions about their rights and our practices regarding their personal information. While we are not obligated to comply with CCPA requests, we are committed to transparency and are happy to address any concerns you may have. Due to our size and because we are not in the business of selling consumer information, we are exempt from CCPA.

Enforcement and Modification of Privacy Policy

We regularly review our compliance with this policy and make changes when necessary.

International Users

International users of WineBusiness.com and subscribers of WineBusiness Monthly agree that we may use their information as outlined in this policy, and understand that their data may be stored on servers located in the United States.


If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site, please:

1. Send an email to memberservices@winebusiness.com.

2. Send mail to the following postal address:

Member Services
Wine Communications Group
584 First Street East
Sonoma, CA 95476