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Winemaking Calculators
Wine Business Monthly Oct 1, 2024 Issue

The Industry's Leading Publication for Wineries and Growers

Wine Business Monthly Oct 1, 2024 Issue

The Industry's Leading Publication for Wineries and Growers

Winemaking Calculators


584 First Street East
Sonoma, CA 95476
P. 800-895-9463 / F. 707-940-3930

Editorial Staff

Cyril Penn, Editor

Erin Kirschenmann, Managing Editor, WBM


Erin Kirschenmann, Managing Editor, WBM


Burke Pedersen, Web Development


Tamara Leon, Associate Publisher (all advertising inquiries)


Danielle Robb, Events Director

Analytics Group

Andrew Adams, Editor, Wine Analytics Report

Alan Talbot, Director, Analytics Group

Gomberg, Fredrikson & Associates, a partnership with bw166

Jon Moramorco, Editor

Alan Talbot, Client Relations