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Job Description:

Larson Family Winery is a premium small production wine producer in Sonoma Carneros. We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Cellar Master to oversee all aspects of wine production and cellar operations at our facility. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in winemaking, cellar management, and a passion for producing high-quality wines. The Cellar Master will be responsible for managing the day-to-day activities in the cellar, ensuring that all winemaking processes are carried out efficiently and in accordance with industry standards.

- Manage, supervise, and assist in all cellar operations, including grape processing, fermentation, aging, blending, and bottling.
- Monitor and maintain the quality of wines throughout the production process.
- Implement winemaking protocols and procedures to achieve desired wine styles and quality standards.
- Coordinate with the winemaking team to plan and execute production schedules.
- Oversee cellar equipment maintenance and ensure a clean and organized work environment.
- Manage inventory of barrels, tanks, and other cellar supplies.
- Train and mentor cellar staff on best practices and safety guidelines.

- Minimum of 5 years of experience in cellar management.
- Strong knowledge of winemaking techniques, fermentation processes, and cellar operations.
- Excellent sensory evaluation skills and ability to assess wine quality.
- Proven leadership and team management skills.
- Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment.
- Attention to detail and strong problem-solving abilities.
- Expert forklift driver.

•  401k
•  Competitive hourly wage.
•  Healthcare insurance
•  PTO available

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Additional Information:

Job Posted:
Tuesday, March 26th
Type of Work:
Full Time
Job Level:
$‌25.OO ‍−‌ $3O.OO