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Sales Rep.

Cru Selections

Hybrid > Bellingham, WA

Job Description:

Cru Selections is a growing wine distribution company.
We are looking for a Full-time Sales rep for the Whatcom, Skagit and Island County area.
Key skills and attributes include:
-at least 1 year wine-trade or restaurant management experience
-must have good wine knowledge
-highly motivated, professionally persistent and thrives in a competitive environment
-flexibility and ability to work independently and at the hours required (occasional evening and weekend tastings and events)
-strong communication and customer service skills
-capacity to identify ideal clients and grow relationships with a client base of high quality wine shops and mid to high-end restaurants, and continually grow the client base and sales of existing clients

Must have reliable transportation w/insurance, cell phone, computer, printer and able to lift a case of wine (45 lbs.). Some delivery duties may also be required.

Please send introduction letter and resume.
No phone calls please.

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Additional Information:

Job Posted:
Wednesday, April 10th
Type of Work:
Full Time
Job Category:
Job Level:
$4O,OOO.OO ‍−‌ $65,OOO.OO commission